Case Identification
We help make businesses aware of potential refund opportunities from various class action settlements.
Claim Filing
We'll prepare and file your claim, and assist in gathering any necessary supporting documentation.
Case Tracking
We keep close tabs on each case as it progresses. We'll help cure any deficiencies or audits along the way to ensure you get paid if you are in fact eligible.
- About Us -
Why choose lex?
Lex was founded by business attorneys who understand how class action lawsuits work. Lex was born out of a realization that a significant number of companies fail to claim their share of class action settlements because of a number of factors, including not knowing about the settlement, not having time to prepare and file a claim, and believing that the amount of recovery does not justify the effort in obtaining it.
What we do?
Lex Recovery Group, LLC was founded in 2003 by business attorneys. We have over 70 years of experience in the legal world and have recovered over $200 Million for our clients. We have filed tens of thousands of claims ranging from small to mid-size companies to Fortune 100 companies.
Our mission
Our mission at Lex Recovery Group, LLC is to partner with business clients to make the class action recovery process as effortless and profitable as possible.
- Company Affiliates -

